After being well versed on African History, Ancient World History, Medieval Studies, and basic U.S. History, we had the opportunity to begin accelerated history classes with AP European History. Currently, we are taking AP U.S. History.
With our particular interest in science, the two of us have been taking accelerated science courses, specifically biology and chemistry, after taking earth science, life science, and basic physics during middle school. Right now, we are both taking honors physics.
The two of us have been on the accelerated math track since middle school, beginning in foundational mathematics and advancing through pre-calculus. At the moment, we are both taking AP Calculus AB.
Because of our passion for writing, the two of us have been taking advanced English courses since they were offered for our grade levels at our respective schools. Kasey decided to venture outside of the course curriculum and take journalism to expand her interest for the subject. Currently, we are both taking AP Language.